1. Introduction 

The right to privacy, and in particular the right to protection of personal data, is one of the values of FARMAPROJECTS, S.A. (Sociedad Unipersonal) (hereinafter, “FARMAPROJECTS”). 

The purpose of this policy is to explain how FARMAPROJECTS will handle those personal data in the course of its commercial operations. Your personal data will be handled confidentially and only for those purposes that you have consented to or which may be necessary in order to give effect to our business relationship, as explained below in this General Privacy Policy and in each of the Privacy Policies on the various forms. 

2. Commitment to privacy 

FARMAPROJECTS is fully committed to compliance with the legislation and the General Data Protection Regulation and the regulations relating to the protection of personal data in force at any particular time, and this is a priority objective for FARMAPROJECTS. 

FARMAPROJECTS has therefore taken the decision to implement the following principles, with privacy as the basis for the configuration of all forms of processing: 

3. Purpose of the processing 

FARMAPROJECTS gathers your personal data in order to handle your requests and offer you the services and products you may be interested in. In particular we process your personal data for the following purposes: 

In any other circumstances, and provided that it is appropriate, we will seek your consent to process your personal data. 

4. The data we process 

In order to carry out our business activities for the purposes stated in the preceding point, we will process the following data: 

5. Duration of the processing and retention time 

At FARMAPROJECTS we are committed to processing personal data only as long as they are really useful to us and enable us to offer you a quality service. We will therefore make every appropriate and reasonable effort to minimise the time involved in processing and retaining your personal data. 

As a general rule the data will be kept as long as it is necessary to maintain the business relationship with our clients and suppliers, also whilst we consider them useful for our commercial and promotional activities and the maintenance of pre-contractual relations. 

With regard to data processed in the course of selection processes, curricular vitae information will be eliminated one year after it has been considered by our company, although identifying data (forename and surname), job vacancies you may have applied for and the results of these selection processes may be kept for five years. 

However, although you may ask us to eliminate your data, we may preserve and maintain them, under proper blocking, during whatever time may be necessary for us to comply with our legal obligations and make them available to the authorities with competence in the various subject areas involved. 

6. Exercise of rights and complaints in the AEPD [Spanish Data Protection Agency] 

As a result of the processing of your personal data by FARMAPROJECTS, current legislation grants you a number of rights. The following is a summary explanation of each right, to enable you to exercise it: 

Whenever we process your data on the basis of consent, you may withdraw this consent at any time with no consequences for yourself other than that, depending on the right being exercised, we may not be able to provide you with certain services. 

In order to exercise your rights you may do so by addressing FARMAPROJECTS via one or other of the following means, and attaching a copy of your Identity Card or equivalent identifying document: 

If you do not wish to exercise a particular right, but do need to submit an enquiry or suggestion concerning the processing of your personal data, you may do so also by writing to the addresses provided for the exercise of your rights. 

Bear in mind that you can always, in any event, submit a complaint to the Competent Authority in data protection matters if you consider that we have not processed your data in a legitimate manner or that we have not addressed your requests or rights. 

In Spain, this Competent Authority is the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos [Spanish Data Protection Agency] 

7. Confidentiality and security in data processing 

Your personal data are very important to us, and we undertake to process them with the maximum confidentiality and discretion, and to implement all the security measures we may consider appropriate and reasonable. 

FARMAPROJECTS therefore declares and guarantees that it has implemented all the technical means available to it to avoid the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access and theft of the data provided by users. 

8. International transfers 

As a general rule we try to keep your data within the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA). 

If at any time your data were to be processed outside the said territories, FARMAPROJECTS guarantees that it would apply all the measures and checks required in order to guarantee and protect the processing of your personal data, such as: 


If you have any enquiry or uncertainty concerning the processing of your personal data, please contact us via: